Saturday, November 11, 2006
Te tenías que haber muerto, De Juana
No lo digo yo, sino el ex ministro Bono, que siempre ha tenido un talento especial para decir lo que más de uno no se atreve ni a pensar, aunque no sea este mi caso. Don José, supuestamente retirado de la vida política, vuelve a las andadas. Ya lo hizo con el culebrón del candidato socialista a la alcaldía de Madrid, lo retomó con un comentario jocoso sobre la nueva Entesa y parece ser que no hay noticia de actualidad que no sea comentada por Don José ¡Si es que la jubilación anticipada es tan aburrida!
Pan Bimbo. Patrocinador no-oficial de la Huelga de hambre...
Lo que pasa es que, por lo menos en este caso, hay que darle la razón. De Juana tiene una cierta vocación al martirio. Y si puede ser martirio por Euskal Herría, pues mejor. ¡Y vaya martirio! Dicen las malas lenguas que si comía jamón y pan Bimbo en su huelga de hambre. Eso sí que es sufrir. Claro, acostumbrados a Champán (no Cava, Champán) cada vez que había un atentado, pues uno lo entiende.
Claro, si los propios Eta-batasunos te daban pistas: “si se muere De Juana, no hay proceso de paz”. Yo les replicaba entonces que con o sin De Juana, lo que hay es un teatro. A ver, díganme ustedes en qué tregua queman cajeros a diario en las Vascongadas, y de paso, roban un arsenal entero de pistolas. Esa es una tregua tan auténtica como la huelga de hambre del citado “mártir”.
Lo que sí sorprende a estas alturas es que, en su ansia infinita de paz, ZP se tape los ojos. Que esté dispuesto a anteponer ante todo hecho de razón su asiento en el poder. Este es el premio de la tregua para él. Y esa paz tiene un precio por el que está dispuesto a sacrificar a todos sus compañeros. Bien lo sabe ya Pagazaurtundúa.
And the winner is...
The report from the Washington Post on last Wednesday's elections for the House and the Senate was euphorical. For the first time in years, the democrats are the majority in Congress, and that's quite some warning to the President and his team: we're not liking what you're doing with America. The problem here is if at the time of the presidential election, Americans keep thinking that.
He is back. Source:
It is one thing to let Democrats take care of legislation, a risky bet to let them decide in the Senate, but to turn the tide to an all-Democrat America would be wrong because all that the United States of America have fought for in the last years would be lost. I'm not talking about Iraq, but of the image of a strong and determined nation, instead. Will we keep that with a "Kerry" in charge?
I honestly don't think the people in America will ever support free abortion or even strongly encourage gay marriage, but those are some of the most radical initiatives that are supported within the party of the donkey, and I'm fearful no one in there will vote against that. I don’t think Americans want a nation divided by those issues but a system with both parties talking about issues as they had not much of that in the last years.
It is a clear message to the Republicans: Do things right or we’ll find our welfare elsewhere. Unfortunately, the alternative is the democrats, but I like to quote Francis Fukuyama, who in Madrid said that “in America you don’t get any socialists and in Europe you don’t get any Republicans”. Mr Fukuyama was wrong, when he said that. Twice.
The one man that, I think, has taken the best from both parties is the Governor of California. Arnold Schwartzenegger, has put together Democrat welfare state theory along with strong republican convictions. An Italian correspondent stated on the aftermath of the election “he’s put 4.000 miles between him and Bush”, but the people ain’t voting Democrat when it comes to him. They wanted smart Republicans, and they were none to be found, except in the Sunshine state. And that’s a lesson to us all…
Miguel Vinuesa
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