Zapatero ha mostrado por fin sus cartas. En esta partida de Poker macabra, ha demostrado que le importa más la salud de un terrorista que la vida de las 25 víctimas del carnicero, o que las de los dos ecuatorianos que ETA se ha cargado en Barajas. El “proceso de resolución del conflicto”, en palabras de Otegui, no debe detenerse. Lo increíble es que esto no sólo lo piensa el batasuno sino, por los signos que se nos da, también el (des)Gobierno.
De nada, absolutamente nada, han servido ni las movilizaciones de Víctimas del Terrorismo, del Foro de Ermua, de agrupaciones patriotas o de ciudadanos. Ni que mencionar las famosas sesiones de “control” que deberían rebautizarse “sesiones de talante” por el vacío que nos dejan a todos aquellos que aún creemos que los problemas de la Nación se resuelven en el Parlamento. Aunque, les admito, que es una creencia que en mí se desvanece semana tras semana.
Y no sirve de nada, porque zETApé prefiere mofarse de toda oposición. Él conseguirá la “ausencia de violencia” pese a quien le pese. Se muera quien se muera, o se mate a quien se mate. Porque no le interesa ni lo más mínimo lo que los demás tengamos que decir: él va a su bola.
Cabe preguntarnos hasta dónde está dispuesto a llegar Zapatero. Ya hemos visto que ha puesto en cintura a los medios, que pronto los jueces dejarán de ser un problema para él, y que a cualquier iniciativa del PP se le aplica el Pacto del Tinell. Entonces uno se pregunta qué hacer ante el que es imparable. Y cuando se acaban los argumentos legales con los que detener la acción destructiva del Gobierno, cuando ya vemos que no hay marcha atrás, y que la Izquierda más radical aún que IU está en el poder, solo va a caber rezar para que nuestro tránsito a la checa sea rápido e indoloro. Una muerte limpia.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
W. Post. Asumming risks to obtain victory
The President’s plan for securing Iraq has begun, and once it was done in the past, the Army is playing offensive once again. And that’s vital for securing dangerous areas such as Baghdad’s worst neighbourhoods. It is a bold move, but it’s this way wars are won: defeating them in their own ground.
Most analysts will agree Baghdad it’s been the most difficult city to subjugate in all History, but that is, first, because never before the enemy hid between civilians, using them as human shields (“martyrs” they would call), and, second, because in all the History of the Mesopotamian region, cities have been burned to the ground upon conquest.
It is a questionable strategy of liberation what the Pentagon has issued for Iraq, ever since the invasion. Germany was liberated too and look at numbers! The Air Force and the RAF bombed it to the ground.
What’s been done so far, and has, therefore, cost infantry lives, has been a “gentle liberator” strategy, that would grant the population’s support.
Today, not only most Iraqis are reluctant to consider Americans as friends, but have set loose on an underground civil strife that is decimating the country. I’m no one to criticise how the invasion has been done, but what’s clear is that America has been losing the post-war for three years now.
So let’s expect this works. It needs to work, because leaving Iraq for itself is absolutely unacceptable, in political or strategic ways. It would be a way of saying “that’s it. You’ve won.” And that just can’t be.
Surely, the evolution won’t be noticeable on the short term. Only a more intensive action by the Iraqi government, getting strong on the streets, will grant the new regime’s survival. It wasn’t easy for the democratic Germany (not the Soviet one), after WWII, and it shouldn’t be any different for Iraq, either.
Most analysts will agree Baghdad it’s been the most difficult city to subjugate in all History, but that is, first, because never before the enemy hid between civilians, using them as human shields (“martyrs” they would call), and, second, because in all the History of the Mesopotamian region, cities have been burned to the ground upon conquest.
It is a questionable strategy of liberation what the Pentagon has issued for Iraq, ever since the invasion. Germany was liberated too and look at numbers! The Air Force and the RAF bombed it to the ground.
What’s been done so far, and has, therefore, cost infantry lives, has been a “gentle liberator” strategy, that would grant the population’s support.
Today, not only most Iraqis are reluctant to consider Americans as friends, but have set loose on an underground civil strife that is decimating the country. I’m no one to criticise how the invasion has been done, but what’s clear is that America has been losing the post-war for three years now.
So let’s expect this works. It needs to work, because leaving Iraq for itself is absolutely unacceptable, in political or strategic ways. It would be a way of saying “that’s it. You’ve won.” And that just can’t be.
Surely, the evolution won’t be noticeable on the short term. Only a more intensive action by the Iraqi government, getting strong on the streets, will grant the new regime’s survival. It wasn’t easy for the democratic Germany (not the Soviet one), after WWII, and it shouldn’t be any different for Iraq, either.
Prodi BIS
Bella finta, e alla fine Prodi ha imposto il voto e lo ha vinto. Sarà perchè era il suo onomastico, altrimenti non si capisce come la sinistra que neanche una settimana fa lo aveva bocciato, viene fuori e lo vota. Certo, il Senato è stato incasinato grazie a quello che il CORRIERE chiama i “Senatori ultrà”, ma io penso invece che siano quei pochi ragionevoli uomini di Sinistra che restano ancora in Italia.
E molto probabile che il governo Prodi bis sia molto meno polemico dell’altro però, o almeno così spero. Già si avveva ottenuto le benedizioni del Vaticano quando si è tolto dalla stessa la stupidagine sulle unioni di fatto, ma questo, evidentemente, non vuol dir nulla. Grazie a Dio, però, questo “progresso” è stato fermato in tempo.
Non ci libereremo, dunque, del professore così rapidamente, ma almeno speriamo che si tolga di mezzo qualche ministro scomodo, come può essere il caso di Antonio Di Pietro. Ma questa è solo un’utopia però.
E molto probabile che il governo Prodi bis sia molto meno polemico dell’altro però, o almeno così spero. Già si avveva ottenuto le benedizioni del Vaticano quando si è tolto dalla stessa la stupidagine sulle unioni di fatto, ma questo, evidentemente, non vuol dir nulla. Grazie a Dio, però, questo “progresso” è stato fermato in tempo.
Non ci libereremo, dunque, del professore così rapidamente, ma almeno speriamo che si tolga di mezzo qualche ministro scomodo, come può essere il caso di Antonio Di Pietro. Ma questa è solo un’utopia però.
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