In this issue we comment the lack of opposition in Argentina, which might cause that the Peronists may remain in office for a long time, and believe me, argentineans don't want it to happen. Time for shaking!
In Italy Mr. Prodi strikes again, this time against France. Hasn't he learned who's in charge in Europe? That's a dude that was sleeping during his years on the European Commission.
Spain's minister of Industry José Montilla has been caught off balance. He favored Gas Natural in an impossible PAO against a company four times bigger, and then the German E.ON came in. Now that everybody in Spain is fighting to keep things in the country, Montilla has modified all by himself a decision taken by the Minister's assembly. Did he had permission from Zapatero? Nobody knows yet, but this settles corruption to an all-new limit.
Later today: Bush visits India, the weekly movie critic by JL. Panero, and the sports on Monday.
Blog news:
- We've contacted Cox and Forkum in order to legally reproduce some of their cartoon. For now we're interested in a single cartoon, but it could be a regular contribution, if we agree.
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- The Weekend Update might get another writing contributor, specialized on Think Tanks. We'll keep you updated, as usual.