Saturday, February 18, 2006

SPECIAL REPORT: about "Congratulations, Comrade!"

Thanks to Heritage Foundation and Mr. Gonzalo Toca.

To come down on UNESCO has lost its old-fashioned taste: it's no news anymore. Remember when the USA pulled out of there, and then returned when Clinton was in office? Well, now they pay for almost the eight part of their budget, but to me that association of gangsters hasn't changed a bit. Liberals might say whatever they like, but please don't believe them!

Mr Gardiner and Mr. Johnson, authors of the linked article, stress the issue in that the José Martí prize does not reflect the visions of the man, but what would you ever expect from a Regime like Castro's? If the Cuban dictator was at the initiative of the prize, the Comandante willl always decide who gets that prize. And who else that his advanced pupil in Latin America?

Plus, consider Mr. Chavez as a Democratic leader and all his propaganda will be a success. A man that can call himself that having passed and election such as the last held in Venezuela surely is insane, or is the biggest phony in the world. In those polls, the opposition counted no more than a participation of 17% of the electorate. Against 70%, a stat from Chavez' agencies, of course. Way to go, Hugo. Way to go.

Coming back to the Prize, I think that Fidel is going to be short of candidates for next year, if Chavez or himself don't win it again. Time will tell, but why not giving it to Bolivian President Evo Morales? Or even better, to North-Korean Pharaoh Kim-Jong-Il. After all, if Chavez is a democratical man, he's at the source of the people's will. hey! He even let North-Koreans eat twice during his birthday! That's not democracy, that's even better, right? Wasn't it a Democratic Republic? Well, now you know that too.

Miguel Vinuesa

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