Saturday, October 29, 2005

Consolidation of a working timetable (week 11)

It is always challenging to start a teamed-up blog, like this one, but most of time organization is of the essence. We want to bring you all the best we can do, but sometimes some pressing issues on our lives get in the way.

When one of the guys couldn't fit in, as it has happened once or twice, I used to step in and to the job for them, and that wasn't fair. I made up my mind and realized this wasn't a newspaper with space to fill. We are Weekend Update, and our goal is to make clear our point of view. If, for any reason, we fail to do that, we will still be here the following week... or the next one, right?

My point is we will be providing only personal opinion. If Patricia cannot speak about Le Monde, then I won't do it for her.

Therefore, we will have some "off duty" people from time to time. Life comes first, at least for now, and I want all our members to know that, because I've been too demanding sometimes, specially with Álvaro.

That said, We're moving on to the last major changes in our blog, for this season, mainly: introducing a sports-related column in Spanish. I'm still negotiating with that, so I won't advance much today. As for the Blog's look, I'm bringing in a friend just as Webmaster. We will make this sort-of-orderer mess really good looking, which will result in a more comfortable reading.

Time, and my friend, will tell if changes will be major (which I don't think) or just little complements. In any way I hope you like this week's articles.

Miguel Vinuesa

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