Saturday, March 25, 2006

Making it happen -by some sort of Miracle- (Week26)

First of all, let me ask for your mercy. I've been experiencing technical troubles with the Internet provider that has resulted in the end of our contract. I still will be able to write and so, as much as the rest of the team, but it will be harder.

As a result of this, I've appointed Chema Álvarez as co-editor. He will be able to moderate and publish the posts when its needed. it's an easy job, believe me.

This edition, unfortunately, has to be a light one, but good news come from Real Madrid, who bet the Deportivo de la Coruña in the Bernabeu stadium. Good job. As to the rest of Spanish news... you can figure out: trashy government leads to trashy news. And in Argentina, we still have hope some day Kischner will bit himself, and get poisoned...

I'm Miguel Vinuesa and these is news to me!

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