Saturday, March 18, 2006

Some deep issue and lots of fools (week 25)

Once again welcome to another edition of the Weekend Update!

In this week's issue, Argentina is facing a moral debate about abortion. One of its regions, Río Negro, plans to legalize it at 100%. La Nación does not say much about it, so we had to rely on catholic news websites.

As to Spain, its ministers go on with the freak show. Mr. Caldera said some month ago that all immigrants would be legalized. Now thousands of them are waiting on the shores of Mauritania to pass on to the Canary islands... well done, you idiot.

In Italy, we comment the last electoral debate between Mr. Prodi and Mr. Berlusconi. The first one, being the most stupid candidate I can think of, smoked him turkey, while Berlusconi said "how cool everything was". As Mr. Fini, an ally of Berlusconi said, "he was wrong"...

Finally, news from the Washington Post. We consider the process of Saddam Hussein totally unnecessary. There's a civil war going on, and they say there's nothing more important to do than judging this guy. WE KNOW he's guilty, so come on! Don't waste your time on that and hand it over to the victims.

I'm Miguel Vinuesa, and these is news to me!

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