Saturday, November 19, 2005

Global World, Global problems (week 15)

Greetings, and welcome to another week on Weekend Update.

For this day we have sorted out several problems, like the total mess Argentina and Spain are becoming. Why? On the one side you've got a moron that believes he can mess with the Roman Catholic Church and in the other... well, look at the picture on El País post, please. This guy rules my country, for the bad... or the worse.

In France, it seems the revolt is going down. Normal. They don't have much left to burn, except for people, and I believe those guys are not the kind of maniacs. After all the storm, the one politician that could have been sacked at the beginning of the strife, the Minister of Interior, Mr. Sarkozy, is now more popular than ever, seriously eclipsing the Prémier Ministre AND the Président themselves! That's what I call sorting with the upcoming troubles.

And about urban warfare, and not so urban, it seems America's interest turn to Iraq when a well-known Colonel of the U.S. Marines bring out successfully some "insurgents" out of their holes. The problem is the term. Those guys are not insurgent, they are terrorist, and calling them anything else is just justifying their insane cause. In a democratic Iraq, those chaps have no future ahead. Now I understand why they blow themselves up.

And, of course, don't miss our Cinema and Sports-related collums in Spanish, right ahead.

That's pretty much all we have for you this week. I'm Miguel Vinuesa and these is news to me!

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